Archív článkov

12.07.2012 17:20
The last clutch of this year is finally out. There are 3 yellow, 5 red and one very special baby a yellow with red spots all over the body, we are very excited about this little guy and we will let you know when he stars to change colors. You can see some pictures bellow.  
11.06.2012 23:27
Babies hatched on the 26 May, they were cooking for 49 days like the rest of our clutches. There are 11 babies, again lots of red. We will add some photos of the babies soon.
11.06.2012 23:16
Our second clutch came out 17 May, incubation period was 49 days, there are 10 babies. A lot of red babies were in the this clutch too, but the color tone is different.  We will add some photos of the babies soon.
01.06.2012 23:23
This years first clutch hatched on the 2 May, incubation period was 49 days, there are 12 healthy babies most of them dark red. It´s a bola Misool x Blue Mountain Cyclop combination. You can see photos of parents and babies under this post.
01.06.2012 23:03
There are 33 baby viridis from 3 clutches so far. We are hoping for more babies later this month. We will add some pictures as soon as the shed for the first time.  
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